2025 DATES TBC (sign up to the newletter/whatsapp below for more)
Navigation Courses
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND… we are hosting navigation courses again!
A detailed introduction to navigation with theory and practical components.
With special focus on navigating in adventure races - the methods used, good techniques, terrain specifics, avoiding errors, etc. - all of which can used whilst navigating in general life (hiking, traveling, etc).
Hosted on a mid-week evening and centrally accessible makes it less of a hassle for people to attend.
We have had requests for an advanced navigation course - with more night navigation, more compass work, etc…
Let us knowif you’re interested?
We currently have no further courses planned for 2024 but are open to custom course suggestions or regions.
We have requests for beginner courses in
STELLENBOSCH (Click if you interested)
SWELLENDAM. (Click if you interested)
If none of the above dates or venues work and you have a few friends keen.
For more future AR events & info, join the Whatsapp group - minimal chatter, only race related info.
BOOKINGS ARE OPEN, First come first served.
R895 for the course
15 spots available, first come first served.
Payment to be made via EFT.
Reference: “Nav (Insert your name)”
Bank details:
Savings account
R G Le Brun
The navigation course led by Robert Le Brun, experienced Adventure racer and navigator & teacher.
The course manual with all the content
Welcome snacks
A beer from Jack Black
The classroom/venue to excite good quality learning and a greater understanding of maps
A free entry into one of the three O-Runs, hosted by NFNF, in 2024. This is a great place to practice the practical components of navigation. Additionally, this can be upgrades to an entry into the AR Mini-Series, as a place to practice.
Upgrade costs are as follows:
You will need to enter as per normal & just pay the below fees.
• Solo single race upgrade to the AR Mini-Series, fee is R350 additional.
• Solo series (all 3 races) upgrade to the AR Mini-Series, fee is R1150 additional.
• If you are looking to upgrade as a pair,
- It is R600 (if one of you attends the course)
- R450 (if both of you attend the course)
The course will give you a comprehensive introduction to navigation within Adventure Racing - touching on maps, their uses, basic compass work, techniques used, do’s and don’t within AR, etc.
The course will leave you confident to begin navigating on your own and should allow you to start leading your team in the right direction :)
For more detailed breakdown, contact us.
It is recommended you have the following:
Compass (if you would like to buy one, please add it to your booking form)
Stationary (pens, etc) to jot down notes & do the practical tasks
A notebook/some scrap paper
Money for dinner and additional refreshments for the duration of the course (there will be a break for dinner)
This is a beginners navigation course
Prior experience is not required
BUT, it is recommended you have a basic idea/knowledge on the look of a South African Topographical map (this is the general map used in SA adventure races), so that we can move through the basics faster and spend more time on the practical aspects
If you unable to attend at last minute
No refunds are available one month before the course.
You can fill your vacant space at no cost
We will try assist to fill your vacant space, in order to save you the cost
You are able to pass it onto a later date, but with an additional admin fee